This morning we received another early morning call to a birth at FreMo’S - woohoo! Amimo (Doula) was unable to make it so instead of learning by observing, I was able to assist Vicki first hand. It was Veronica’s third child. After about 2 hours of rubbing her back and supporting her stance while trying to ‘wiggle’ the baby into place, Vicki calming said for me to look down and there he was!!! His head was out and Vicki calmly asked if I would like to ‘catch the baby’ I was bursting inside in anticipation but was very composed when accepting. After FINALLY gently prying my hands form the mothers firm grip, I had my hands in position just in time for her final contraction. I caught the gorgeous slippery little guy (pictured) – UNFREAKINGBELIEVABLE!!!! What an amazing experience – after untangling the cord which was wrapped around his head, arm and waist, we wrapped him in a towel (the only dry one we had) and let the oxytocin run wild in each of our bodies. WOW!!
Last night Vicki and I were invited to a Red Tent gathering at Amimo’s home. There were 16 women from around the world and we shared our stories of love, inspiration, hope and pain. There were no boundaries, no judgement. There were MANY tears!!! We had the most open, honest discussions I am still in awe of the strength of each gorgeous individual I met. Beautiful women as their authentic selves. Those of you who are aware of the book will understand – Another incredible experience!!
Yesterday I spoke to Mum which was absolutely wonderful!! So many people ask after Mamma J after she visited with me last year – we (especially me) miss having her here. They can’t stop raving about her scones – even a year on!!! But oh boy they are good!!! I also learnt today that Dad hurt his right ham string – hope you are feeling better soon – you’re not one to be held up in bed so my thoughts are with you – I wish you a speedy recovery. Mwahh! Just over 2 months until we meet in Europe for a bit of R&R Mum – I CAN’T WAIT!!
Yesterday I had a look over an old video of FreMo’s that I took last year. It is quite amazing the changes. I did another video this afternoon and will do another in the next week or 2 once the plumbing and concreting is complete – I can hardly wait to see how significant the change will be.
Literally days before flying out, we met with the sweetest family in Kawana (Queensland). The gentleman (Grant) made contact with me after reading about the article in the Weekender a few weeks before leaving. He is a retired Teacher and devotes his time to producing reading material to children of all ages – specifically those who struggle with learning. I will be taking these to the camps this week and visiting the children and families I haven’t seen for almost 12 months – ahhhh, I’m so excited, both to see everyone again and take Vicki out there to show her what amazing work volunteers have done to improve the community – especially the school I helped build last year. I know Teacher Mary and Teacher Doreen will be thrilled to receive these teaching materials. Above is a photo of Vicki reading them with our host mum’s son – Bishop, a cute and very bright Kid. We have them in a central location here and it’s not uncommon for him to read them a couple of times in an evening. It’s heart-warming to see how kids thrive on learning here!! It really is a privilege to them.
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