It’s great to be here. Nairobi is a busy city. It is dry, dusty, windy and really dirty. I am staying in a small 3 bedroom place with 11 other volunteers and 6 permanent members of the family. A new understanding for organised chaos!
On Sunday we went to the local church of the family we are staying with and it was a service like I have never witnessed. There were hundreds of worshipers standing, dancing, singing, clapping and crying. The trip there was even more exciting. In this tiny well travelled Toyota Carina, we fit 10 of us – yes 10!!! Holy molly, what an experience. 6 of us were volunteers – In the back were 3 brave men, Steve, Dave and Patrick, then on their laps were us three ladies, Brook, Rachael and I. In the front was a very pregnant Margaret (lady we are staying with) and her 2 children, Crystal 6, and Kym 3, and then driving was her husband Oliver. The poor car – it bellied out everywhere, the roads are very rough, traffic is manic and lined with local markets with people spewing into the oncoming traffic.
Monday morning is our orientation – 16 of us will discover where we will ultimately be placed throughout Kenya. Only 2 of the 11 volunteers I have met so far know where they are going. We are all excited and bonds are already being formed.
So much more I need to say, but must shoot. We are forbidden to walk at night (even in a group) and it’s getting dark soon - it’s a 10 min walk home, so best be off.
I also have photos I need to upload, but the connection I use in the nearby shops are a little scatty, so will try again when I post another update.
Hope you get to your village soon! Although I wonder what happens to blogging then..