Woohoo, I’m here!!! I arrived in Kenya 3 days ago and having the most incredible time. Immediately after touching down, we (Vicki Chan, a midwife and I) made our way to FreMo Medical Centre to say a long anticipated hello. I was amazed at how the clinic had changed, the pharmacy they have developed, additional rooms they have acquired and new staff on their payroll. We spent the next morning identifying imminent priorities and within 24 hours of arriving, we had commenced construction! We started in the Maternity Ward by pulling down the almost non-existent ceiling and popping up a new one. Our first project is almost complete.
In such a short period of time, we have spent many intense and constructive hours discussing how we are able to assist the clinic. The founders, Fred and Moffat are extremely educated, well informed and articulate men with such passion for the clinic that it drives us even harder to assist them in their dreams. Between Vicki and I, we managed to bring just over $10,000 dollars to Kenya to predominately help improve FreMo Medical Clinic.
We have identified many projects we can assist in, including improving the sewer system, putting in flush toilets, concreting the paths (it’s currently a thick muddy, slippery mess – not ideal for women about to give birth), wash trough’s, tiling the new wards and putting in windows, most of which are minimum government requirements for them to meet in order to remain open.
Yesterday was Vicki’s 50th birthday and we had a grand old time! Amimo (Vicki’s friend in maternity care) organised a cake and I organised the people and restaurant. We had dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant and 23 volunteers, FreMo staff and Kenyan locals were there!! We had a fantastic night – HAPPY BITRHDAY VIC!!!
Today was a great day. After a powerful 5 hour pow wow, we established the immediate and achievable goals of the clinic then went to Java (coffee shop) and celebrated over a latte. Our main concern was to ensure we were all on the same track – to assist in their goals of the clinic, not to push our ideas upon them. Fred (the Fre in FreMo) is a doctor and wants to major in Paediatrics - which reinforced each of our thoughts to structure the clinic as specialising in Maternity and Child Health. The fun begins!!
I am already re-accustomed to the dangerous trips on Matatu’s (local transport), cold bucket washes, hard beds, hand washing, extreme pollution, poverty and cool nights. I am amazed at how many of the local business workers recognised me – it certainly warmed my heart. There have been many big hugs, stories shared and tears shed. It’s brilliant to be back!!
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