Travelling with mum again has been a fun experience. In just 2 weeks we have had some pretty crazy adventures. And laugh!!!! Oh boy we should have six packs by now!
We met in Amsterdam on the 6th of September. It was a teary reunion. Although Holland was a little cool and wet, it didn’t stop us exploring the sights.
We spent a day in Amsterdam visiting the Anne Frank Museum, tasting the ‘local cuisine’ and passing by the ‘window displays’. More than ever I seriously wish I could have taken a video of mum’s first ‘red light’ experience. Her jaw dropped and she stood staring in shock until I composed myself long enough to drag her away. Once over the initial disbelief she couldn’t stop laughing and saying ‘but they are so pretty..’. Perhaps it was also the cake…. Lol
The following day we took a bus into the country where we saw the most impressive windmills and sampled (and bought) the best cheese and chutney we have ever tasted (other than Dad’s homemade – NOTHING will beat that).
On the 9th we flew to the Czech Republic, spent a couple of days in Prague getting lost on local trams, walking over and around Charles Bridge (where we also had the most amazing pickledcabbageand sausage soup!!) and stumbling across a fantastic little market on the water before taking a bus to Cesky Krumlov , a gorgeous little medieval town I had visited once before. We spent 3 glorious nights there exploring the old town and coasting 10.5km down the incredibly beautiful river. Cruising on a canoe was definitely a highlight, as was watching the 3 bears wandering below the castle grounds, getting drunk in a café writing postcards (blurry pic on way home) and trying to make our way through the biggest serving of ribs and pork knuckle (1kg+) you have seen!
This dinner was in an old, creepy looking dungeon. It was dark (little candle light) and food was served roughly on a chopping board with bity horseradish. Yummmm.
I then surprised mum with a quick trip to Salzburg in Austria where we did a Sound of Music tour. This musical is one of mums (and my) all-time favourite movies. Every night at 8pm in the hostel we stayed, they played the movie. We watched it both nights and sang in the bus of the entire tour (we weren’t the only ones!) Pictured is the glass pavilion where they sung I am 16 going on 17..... Simply wonderful.
On the second night we were in Austria, we took an overnight train to Venice. Having been there before and knowing how much walking is involved and how far away accommodation is to the centre, we only spent the day there. After popping our luggage in storage, we made our way through the canals. Of all days we decided to visit Venice, this day was a particularly interesting day. Around 10am we started seeing dozens of SWAT looking guys gathering around the square. By lunch time hundreds of political protesters were shouting and ranting something in Italian over loud speakers. There were dozens of different flags, bright flares and smoke bombs (let off by the police we think). The police also had a helicopter constantly circling overhead and very low - we believe to drown out the protesters. It was at this time we decide to escape the madness and take a gondola ride around the quiet canals. Another highlight!
At 9.30pm we flew to Rome where we picked up our car and headed for the coast. We intentionally hired a station wagon so we had the option to sleep comfortably in it. The first night (Saturday) we found a little dirt road off another quiet road somewhere between Rome and Naples. We turned off the car at 2.30 am and at 4.30am we were startled awake by 2 police literally bashing on my window. Once they quickly discovered we don’t speak Italian, they asked for our passports and did a very slow, thorough check of the car, inside and out. They then nodded, jumped back in their car and drove away. We just about wet ourselves when they woke us and then again laughing once they had left. Oh boy did our hearts pound. We were literally in the middle of nowhere – seriously!!
We have now been in Italy for 6 days and have decided to head to Switzerland tomorrow. We spent our time in Naples, Pompei, the Tuscany region and Bologna. It’s been very handy having the car but also stressful with the crazy traffic they have here. After swearing I wouldn’t’ drive near the Malfi Coast again, I did and immediately remembered why I was MAD doing it again. The roads are super skinny (why didn’t I get a smaller car!!), the locals fiercely irrational behind the wheel and motorbikes who are somehow worse weaving in and out of the wild traffic finding space where I swear there wasn’t’ any. I think Mum and I aged a few years in a few hours! Getting lost in Tuscany on the other hand was extremely pleasant!
There is a lot more to say but must publish this post (sorry for delay Dad). Will catch up on rest of Italy in next blog.
After spending most nights sleeping in the car, we are looking forward to treating ourselves a week in an apartment overlooking the alps in fabulous St Moritz!! Certainly a change from the accommodation in Kenya. Every day I miss it.…
Mum loves hot chocolate but not strong and certainly not thick syrup. She didn't dare order another until Italy and even then with caution. This brief video doesn't do the thick mix justice;
In addition to the last quick entry, here is also a wee lil rapid that took us by surprise down the river at Cesky Krumlov;
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