Greece has to be one of the friendliest countries I have ever visited for various reasons I need not go into as my aim is to keep this entry short. I am in Cairo Airport and board for Nairobi in about 2 hours (woohoo). I am super excited to see everyone again!!
From Santorini, I went to Mykonos where I spent 3 nights. I managed to be there for a day of rain which is rare. They generally only get half a dozen days of rain in a year. It is a very dry island. Most rooves leaked and the entire town had minimal shelter – it was comical watching people (including myself) struggle to get from one street to the next.
The town of Mykonos is predominately based at sea level, and although it didn’t boast the steep cliffs where homes were perched overlooking the sea, it had the most beautiful confusing maze of streets I have ever seen. The bright greens, blue, yellow and red doors, stairwells and rooves made it incredibly easy for a keen photographer to get mesmerised and dreadfully lost. I forgot the time completely and went astray the afternoon I was due to leave the island. It was the last ferry of day and I found myself running with 17.5kg of luggage to the bus hailing it down as the last form of transport to take me to the ferry and en route to Syros.
I made it, just, and got off the ferry less than an hour later where I spent 6 hours exploring the island of Syros. I then got on the overnight ferry to Athens.
I was told to expect the island of Mykonos to be out of control with parties and gay folk. There was quite a bit of both, but not a lot. It is the quiet season and few groups were about. Can’t say I was disappointed though, it was nice to get some sleep at night! The place where I stayed was a camping ground that also had shacks with dorm beds (which flooded when it rained – 2 rooms that I know of were evacuated). It was right on the edge of a beautiful beach, which, on my second day, I found out, was a nudist beach! I was comfortable by the pool. It was beautiful. One of the highlights for me was visiting the ‘little Venice’ that sits on the edge of Mykonos town. The windmills and homes were interesting and fun to look through.
Syros was like a small city, nice for a look, but not necessarily a place I would revisit. Athens on the other hand was incredible. I only allowed myself 1 night after my visit to the islands to catch up with Mynda again, the lady I met in Cairo on the way to Athens. Definitely not enough time! I spent the morning I arrived visiting the Acropolis and surrounding sights, then caught a bus to Rafina – another port where she lives. Wow, what a place! Her home overlooks the bay and it’s the cutest town with the most incredibly friendly people. We caught up for a long lazy lunch on the water with wine. Mynda then called a few of her friends and we met up at their local café and had a few beers. The mood was grand and a few more people decided to rock up so I grabbed my 1 litre bottle of duty free Triple strength Smirnoff Vodka and we moved from the café to house of Frank Kelly – a famous dancer/choreographer of Greece, now retired. His son, Steven Kelly (who I also met and who is also a dancer/choreographer) is absolutely massive here with ‘Dancing with The Stars Greece’. We went into Frank’s (now Steve’s) dance studio (a little tipsy) and stumbled a few turns. Absolutely brilliant night – definitely the best on my travels so far! If it’s not already up by the time you read this, I will shortly be uploading a video of a few of the people I met that night – the older gentleman with glasses and raising his glass is Frank. Mynda is holding the puppy, Billy is the first guy holding up the bottles, Christos is the young spunk in the blue and Pablos is fluanting his belly!
Mynda and I then straightened ourselves up and made it back to the house just as her husband was arriving home from a late night at work (around 11.15pm) As for Frank and the others, they were so incredibly hospitable. We hit it off immediately. They were so gracious; especially her husband who gratefully ordered us a double cheese pizza and garlic bread at midnight then proceeded to stay up until 2am on their balcony talking. And I thought I could talk – he is a machine and I will definitely take them up on the offer of visiting again!! Thank you so much – I am already looking forward to it.
Then we come to today. I have had the best day!!! About 2 hours ago, I received an emial from Cathy from MA saying that herself and a group of other African Drummers she buskers with, raised more than $100 for the IDP people of Kenya on Sunday - I am still speechless and THANK YOU doesn't sound like enough. I am over the moon and so will the families be that you have helped!!! Mwahh a thousand times over Cath!
Ok.. let me go back... this morning was spent drinking tea and eating left over pizza on their balcony (with the amazing view!) then we made our way to the bus station for me to get to the airport. The schedule said 11.30am, so we meandered down when a couple of guys in a Saab (I think – very nice car anyway) flagged us down. Mynda wandered over there (I thought she knew them), they offered us a ride to the station so we jumped in. Less than 5min later we were there, just as the bus was leaving (schedule changed to 11.15am) – oh boy!! The guys overheard me talking to the station master who said I had missed the bus and they offered to drive me to the airport (about 40min away). I said, thanks but no thanks (freaking out about how much a taxi would cost) and they wouldn’t hear of it, so we jumped back in and took the best taxi ride ever (figure of speech they refused to take any money) and sang and swayed to Michael Jackson the whole way. Unbelievable gentleman (and random strangers evidently).
I can honestly say that Mynda is someone l will now be in touch with and remain friends with forever. It was a blast, albeit brief. X
Only 9 more sleeps until mum comes!!!!
Hi, Tarsh! Your description of Mykonos was spot on. I'm glad you got to see Little Venice in the end. You really captured the essence of the town with your pictures. I see you managed to see the Acropolis! Did you like it or was it too "touristy" for you?
ReplyDeleteI really envy your pictures of Cairo! They are great!
I guess by now you are in Kenya. I think I told you already, but I really admire you. Take care and enjoy your passion!
Mauro (that Argentinian guy you met in Mykonos)
Hey Mauro! Brilliant to hear from you. I had the most amazing time in Greece and loved the Acropolis. I went very early in the morning, so there were minimal people about which was wonderful.
ReplyDeleteYes I am back in Kenya and absolutely loving it! I spent last night camping with the IDP people which was a real treat, they are such inspirational people and I will find it very difficult to say goodbye.
Thank you so much for your kind words and for keeping in touch. Feel free to email me anytime at natarshaj@gmail.com - especially the day you manage to make it down to Australia!!
It was brilliant to meet you, as brief as it was. I hope you get this message.
Take care and thanks again.